Managing Participants
Ron is responsible for creating a brochure. He works with several colleagues who help him with the design, text, and legal review of the brochure. To complete the brochure, he must also seek advice from team members who are not directly involved in the workflow steps. In order to show these people the job and the results, Ron can add them as participants who don’t have workflow tasks but can open the job and attached assets.

The creator of the job or users with appropriate permissions may manage participants. In order to add additional participants to a job, the Participants tab must be visible to you in the data sheet.

Users automatically become participants if they created the job or previously processed a workflow step. Also, users can be invited to participate in a job.
The list of possible participants does not list all the names of your organization. You can only add people who are allowed to access the Jobs module.
When a user group or organizational unit is selected, all of the users in the user group or organizational unit are added. Through a direct @-Mention of other users in a discussion with @ in front of their name, they can be added to a job and to the discussion as participants without going through the Participants tab. For more information, see the chapter Interacting With Colleagues.

A participant has no responsibility for the current workflow step, but can track its progress. Participants can view the data sheet to get an overview of the project, open attached assets, ask questions in the job discussion, or provide feedback. Participants can also make changes to individual entries – if this is provided for. And finally, all participants can join a discussion.
There are two main mechanisms for access jobs in which users are participating:
Participants can use the standard filter Jobs I Participate In to see all jobs they are participating in and follow the progress of the job.
Invited participants receive an e-mail with a deep link to the job. Double-clicking on the name opens the job.
Former workflow task assignees now automatically retain visibility and access to their previously managed jobs through a seamless update to participant status, with no additional action required. This ensures you can easily track and reference your past workflow assignments while maintaining appropriate security controls across all process types. You'll no longer receive error messages when you try to reopen past assignments, because the system automatically preserves your access rights while limiting editing capabilities to current assignees only.